There are so many beneficial effects that you can reap when you make a move to Palm Beach County, Florida senior living. Apart from having access to various senior living amenities that improve your quality of life, you also get to participate in on-site activities and events and lead a maintenance-free lifestyle. Find out more about the quality of life in this beautiful county.
Population Health
Palm Beach County has an overall score of 62 for population health. Life expectancy of residents is at 82.6 years and health behaviors are scored at 55. Nearly 20% of adults are in poor or fair general health and health conditions receive a score of 66. Mental health of Palm Beach County residents is fair with a score of 58.
The equity category assesses education, income, social equality, and health to determine how well Palm Beach County residents are given the opportunity to lead a healthy, productive life. Overall equity score of the county is at 31 with education at 25, health at 50, income at 37, and social equity at 53.
The overall education score of Palm Beach County locals is 67 with a high school graduation rate of 87% which is just slightly lower than the national average. 30.6% of the population possess an advanced degree in various majors and children meeting standards in Grade 4 R/LA is at 63% of the population.
The economy category records measures of opportunity, employment, and wealth. It supports the peer group rankings of Healthiest Communities which take into consideration the limited resources and complex challenges within many communities. The overall economy score of Palm Beach County is at 71 with an unemployment rate of 6.5% and an employment score of 63. The median household income of the locals is at $59,113 whereas the national average is $58, 759. Job opportunities for the locals are at a strong score of 85.
This category tracks the affordability, availability and quality of homes within a community. The overall housing score of Palm Beach County accommodations is 31 with 38.1% of households spending at least 30% of their incomes on housing. To date, 18% of homes are vacant whereas the national median is at 16.3%. Housing affordability of Palm Beach County accommodations has a score of 33 whereas housing quality is at 76.
Food and Nutrition
This category tracks the use of and availability of healthy foods in a community and the prevalence of chronic diseases that are connected to poor nutrition in people. The overall food and nutrition score is 72 with food availability scoring a 39. The nutrition in people scores an 81 which shows that Palm Beach County locals have a good access to nutrient-dense foods.
This category assesses the health of the natural surroundings of a community by factoring in measures of water and air quality, environmental risks and access to natural and park amenities. The overall environment score is at 29 with 30% of the population residing within 0.5 miles of a park. Natural environment has a score of 53 and access to clean air and water is scored at 64.