What is personalized care? Personalized care is the form of assisted living that focuses on providing the most effective and efficient care to the resident based on their personal needs. There are a number of benefits to this type of care, including improved quality of life for seniors as well as for their family members. Let’s look at some reasons why personalized care in assisted living is important.
It gives Assisted Living Staff a Deeper Understanding of Resident Needs
When caregivers know your loved one’s needs and preferences well, they are better able to take care of them. Your loved one who is hard of hearing will benefit from being seated near the TV so that she can hear it better; an elderly man with dementia may be confused about where he is unless he’s greeted by name and reminded where he is; a woman with mobility issues may need special assistance to get from one place to another and will be more comfortable if her caregivers remember this. When residents receive customized care, they’re less likely to feel like they’re just one person among hundreds or thousands of others being catered to in a cookie-cutter fashion. Instead, they feel like an individual whose needs and preferences matter.
It Helps Avoid Social Isolation
When it comes to caring for elderly loved ones, nothing is more important than ensuring their emotional wellbeing. In addition to managing their physical needs and providing them with the care and attention that they need, it is crucial that we help our elderly family members to avoid feelings of social isolation. Personalized care can be instrumental in helping your loved ones stay socially connected, which can have huge benefits for their overall wellbeing and quality of life. Socialization is important for mental health. Your loved ones benefit from a customized care plan, focused attention, and meaningful social engagement with staff. When caregivers and residents connect over shared experiences, they forge a lively bond that encourages good communication. Whether you are focused on engaging them in social activities in your local community or simply arranging regular phone calls or video chats with family members, personalized care puts you in the best position to ensure that your loved ones stay connected and happy. By working together with their doctors and caregivers, we can help ensure that our elderly loved ones maintain strong social connections throughout their later years.
Personalized Care Provides Stability
The best assisted living communities provide personalized care for residents that is attentive to their unique needs, including dietary restrictions and mobility issues. This type of personalized care is often characterized by having caregivers who have the time and training to understand exactly what your loved one needs, from preparing meals to helping with medication management or just keeping them company. By providing a structured daily routine and environment of ease, these communities can help your loved one avoid depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues that may result from being in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people.
Here at Veranda Club, we give personalized care to your loved ones so that they can live a happier, more fulfilling life. Contact us at Veranda Club to find out more.